Why Lunch Dates Are Important In a Relationship

3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Needless to say, we do find time to catch up with our friends and favourites. After all, it’s all fun and frolic with them. But we take many people in life for granted, don’t we? Like family and that special one for instance. They deserve your time. The fact is there is a lot we have to do to maintain these bonds. We really gotta show them we care and value them.

If you are in a relationship, it’s vital to do all that you can to keep it strong. That’s what lunch dates are for. It’s one small effort to keep in close contact with your special one. Let’s see how important these lunch dates are for you as a couple in Sydney.

For Spending Quality TIme : Makes Your Partner Feel Valued

As said earlier, it’s an effort to keep in touch with your special one. Out of your busy schedule, set aside some time for your partner for a lunch date. After all, lunch dates are easier to schedule than dinner dates–a time that works for both of you. Take a break from the demands of the day and enjoy one’s company. Put those phones away, open up and share about the events of the day. No matter how long you are in the relationship there is always room to learn more about one another.

More than a romantic date, it’s the perfect opportunity to express the importance of your partner in your life.

For A Unique Experience : Keeps Your Relationship Interesting

To keep a relationship going, you constantly need to find ways to do something fresh and exciting. Dinner dates might be romantic but they sometimes tend to be cliché and feel rushed by a busy evening schedule. A lunch date opens doors to new ways for a wide range of exceptional activities. You can explore different experiences. These venues can be a beach, outdoor cinema, picnics at local gardens and even a lunch cruise on Sydney Harbour. For instance, try going aboard a Sydney harbour lunch cruise for a lunch date. Just dining with your partner on the waters with breathtaking views of the harbour all around will spread positive vibes amongst you.

Sharing interesting experiences together will lead your partner to believe you are sincerely invested in this relationship.

For A Regular Experience : Prevents Disconnection

Not just once a week, but try making these lunch dates a ritual. It doesn’t have to be posh. Even a “Let’s go out for a burger” will do. This is a way to see each other often and continually nurture the relationship. This way you won’t feel disconnected from each other. Chat, laugh, share your feelings with each other and put more into your relationship. In no time you will be having your own regular joint for lunch. That’s the sign of a cemented relationship.

You might have just an hour or two or perhaps less for a lunch date but always make sure to keep the romance alive.

Talking about married couples, lunch dates are quite a convenient option. Busy work schedules and children certainly take the toll on you. On the other hand, you barely get to spend time with each other. A lunch break is the perfect excuse to go out on a short date with your other half. On other occasions, you can take your life partner on a lunch date where you can continue dating just like when you were a non-married couple. That’s the perfect way to prevent any kind of marital drift.

That’s the importance of lunch dates in a relationship. It’s a small effort but not a small thing. Try it and see the difference.




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